Deep Greens Bowl Print With ImageWithout Image Deep Greens Bowl Author: Danielle Bear @cacaoforcoconuts_ Ingredients 1/2 cup frozen blueberries Handful of spinach 1/2 cup frozen riced cauliflower 3 frozen broccoli florets 1/2 frozen banana 1/4 frozen avocado 2 Tbsp purple sea moss gel (used Akasha Superfoods) 2 Tbsp ground pumpkin + flax seeds (used FunkIt Wellness) 1 tsp spirulina Cinnamon (one shake) Dulse flakes (one shake) 1 Tbsp chia seeds 1 cup water 1 scoop protein powder (used Sprout Living) Becca's Petites Original snack mix Creamy almond butter (used Philosopher's Ground) Bee pollen Cacao nibs Instructions Blend it all up! Blueberries ➡️ protein powder. Add more liquid if needed Transfer to a bowl and top with our nutty goodness Created using The Recipes Generator Tags: Morning Share on Facebook Tweet Pin it Previous Post Next Post Categories Bites for Sharing Morning Night Noon Latest Articles Coconut Blackberry Beet Smoothie Poppin' Party Mix Easy Caprese Salad It's A Party Salad Spicy Cali-Cobb Salad Chocolat Ch-Ch-Ch-Cherry Bomb Smoothie